SQA Accreditation Newsletter — February 2024


We would like to remind awarding bodies that SharePoint sites must be kept up to date. You should review content on a regular basis and all documentation should be assigned to one or more principle. Additionally, please remember to update your SharePoint as part of your document control process. 

Contact your regulation manager to update access permissions to SharePoint when staff changes occur, to ensure only approved staff can access documentation. 


Regulatory activity and analysis for 2022 - 23 

We identified which of the regulatory principles have generated the most issues and recommendations in our previous newsletter. In this edition, we are exploring the identified principles.


Public Reporting

Since our last newsletter we have published an audit report and action plan for Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT). We have also published the smart award, provider monitoring reports and action plans for British Horse Society Qualifications Limited (BHSQL), and Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT).

These can be found in the Public Reporting section of our website along with the most recent audit and provider monitoring reports for all approved awarding bodies.


ACG Decision Lists

Information on new developments, such as the approval of a new awarding body or a new qualification, can be found on the regularly updated Accreditation Co-ordination Group (ACG) decision list.


Listing and Lapsing Reports

For the latest information about live qualifications, please check out the Listing Report. For information about qualifications which are lapsing and finishing in the next four months, please have a look at the Lapsing Report. You can find both on our website.


Apprenticeship Approvals Group 265apprentices.jpg

Information relating to the Apprenticeship Approvals Group (AAG), including the minutes for its meetings, can be found on the Skills Development Scotland website.




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