SQA Accreditation Newsletter — October 2024

Subscribe to the SQA Accreditation newsletter

We're making changes to the way we distribute the SQA Accreditation newsletter.

We're moving to a new communications platform in order to enhance the customer experience. To continue receiving the SQA Accreditation newsletter you will need to complete the subscription form.

If you do not subscribe, you will no longer receive the SQA Accreditation newsletter from November 2024.

You should receive an email once you’ve filled out the subscription form. You must click the link within the email to confirm your subscription. If you do not receive this email, or have any questions, please contact [email protected].


Assessor and verifier competence - August 2024 update

We recently advised you that we have updated the guidance document for assessor and verifier competence. However, we received feedback which highlighted that the link to the document was not included, and there were issues when searching for the updated document. When searching for the document, please ensure that your search engine cache has been cleared.   

The document provides clarification and guidance on the qualification requirements for the assessment and verification of competence-based qualifications, including Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs). It can also be used for assessing other types of qualifications that are supported by assessment strategies.


Public Reporting

We have recently published an Audit Report and Action Plan for the RSL Awards Ltd.

This can be found on the Public Reporting section of our website along with the most recent audit and Provider Monitoring Reports for all approved awarding bodies.


ACG Decision Lists

Information on new developments, such as the approval of a new awarding body or a new qualification, can be found on the regularly updated Accreditation Co-ordination Group (ACG) decision list.


Listing and Lapsing Reports

For the latest information about live qualifications, please check out the Listing Report. For information about qualifications which are lapsing and finishing in the next four months, please have a look at the Lapsing Report. You can find both on our website.


Apprenticeship Approvals Group 265apprenticechefs.jpg

Information relating to the Apprenticeship Approvals Group (AAG), including the minutes for its meetings, can be found on the Skills Development Scotland website.




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